Final Scores for Game 31 (attrition)

 PlayerFactionGoldCastlesKeepsTowersPeak ScoreStatus
1.Tom V Tom VAquatje207000 
2.Jan Stan Jan Stankillersouth233001 
3.Daniel Towers Daniel Towersdannysdonkeys21011 
4.Shane Wilson Shane Wilsonpoppit158000dead
5.Jakab Zoltan Jakab ZoltanJaxis Nation88000 
6.Blair Magee Blair Mageezinki55000dead
7.Valdas Valauskas Valdas ValauskasVIKINGAI130004 
8.C. M. C. M.thadin47000 
9.Peter PeterHalf breed alliance145302 
10.Alex Stan Alex Stanmiddle earth-6000 
11.Michael Taylor Michael TaylorSilver Whisp175000 
12.Jon Mason Jon Masonsammi199000 
13.Ajay Gumma Ajay Gummaajay36000 
14.Zeo2555 Zeo Zeo2555 Zeozeo169000dead
15.Killer Man Killer Mankillereast164000 
16.Fezz Man Fezz ManFezzland345101 
17.Tha_stalker Tha_stalker Tha_stalker Tha_stalkerthastalker207000 
18.Martin Jo Martin Jomight588300 
19.Lewis Grattan Lewis Grattanallgood409000 
20.Justin The Great Justin The Greatjuddy209001 
21.Alex Griffiths Alex Griffithspingu61000 
22.Raven2923 Raven Raven2923 Ravenraven137000 
23.Rick Sergent Rick SergentSirtar45002 
24.Ben Cook Ben CookGondor102000 
25.Callum Barber Callum Barberelvens242000 
26.Joshua Rouse Joshua RouseGonzaga145000 
27.Lildaddyjoe1 Lildaddyjoe112 Lildaddyjoe1 Lildaddyjoe112josef228000 
28.Rhythm48 Rhythm48 Rhythm48 Rhythm48rhythm4876000 
29.Pipiman Kaka Pipiman Kakajens167000 
30.Cayle Brown Cayle BrownSpaznation52010 
31.Sparker Sparker Sparker SparkerSparker105000dead
32.Jer Odie Jer OdieRampaging Dinos113000 
33.Patrainier Castelo Patrainier CasteloGalador214000 
34.Blue Captain Blue CaptainBlue Pirates90531 
35.Byron West Byron WestKieran165000 
36.David Pauley David Pauleyrata-36000 
37.Red Hand Red HandEmerald Brotherhood1,046200 
38.Tony Chown Tony ChownThe Greed Creed143000 
39.Mal Colyer Mal ColyerSilentAssassin285000 
40.Crazy-eye Stacy Crazy-eye StacyOzark33002 
41.Muff Grunz Muff GrunzGrunz45000dead
42.Darklord Darklord Darklord Darklordwar masters12000 
43.Timothy  Lisher Timothy LisherChannel 4 News Team-4000dead
44.Tristam Blackfang Tristam BlackfangSuperior Forces573001 
45.T K T KVikings-7100 
46.Wayne Flavell Wayne FlavellZell145000 
47.Dj123 Dj619 Dj123 Dj619DJ312-5000 
48.Sticth Sticth Sticth Sticthhalf breed175000 
49.Driver Master Driver MasterDriver170000 
50.Vicky Franco Vicky Francocatcat101000 
51.Conor Buchan Conor Buchansohara200000 
52.Ghetu Alexandru Ghetu AlexandruHT Nazi135000dead
53.Rick Johnson Rick JohnsonRedbeard39101 
54.Andrew Sutherland Andrew Sutherlandandrew199000 
55.Ricky Hudson Ricky Hudsontoday to kill170000 
56.Ysuran Vivian Nok Ysuran Vivian NokTe Bon193000 
57.Lee Hopfensperger Lee Hopfenspergeranarky235000 
58.Chris Jowett Chris Jowettcybert-122000 
59.Herjulf HerjulfFarmers213000 
60.Jack Robertson Jack Robertsonlofdon165000 
61.Felsburg Schweinenase Felsburg SchweinenaseSchweinenase236000 
62.Daniel Coughlan Daniel Coughlanjukifa27000dead
63.Phantom X Phantom Xphantom56000 
64.HawaiianRock HawaiianRockClan Battlehammer110000dead
65.zardd zarddArgo267000 
66.Supreme . Supreme .Drunk35000 
67.Michael Lashomb Michael Lashombcrimson elite133000 
68.Henrik Rydin Henrik RydinRamboGeneration175000 
69.Thomb N Thomb NThombery of Cowtear198220 
70.Kurt Scammell Kurt Scammellbad boyz199000 
71.Red Sleeve Red SleeveMangas80100 
72.Mihawk Juraquille Mihawk JuraquilleMihawk170000 


Most Powerful LeaderBeldar
Largest Factionajay
Richest FactionEmerald Brotherhood


Map Size60x60
Land %100
Sea %0
Owned %0
Your %-